All Reviews So Far
For this ceremony, I listened to a new soundtrack I found, based on the 111hz frequency. Something something really calming and special about it. The rapés were grounding and wonderful, and I feel so ready for my day.
What a blessing, with two profound rapés. Astral is turning out really good, although it was rough going in and caused a lot of spitting. I feel blessed and calm.
A peaceful meditation and I feel good.
A bit of a busy mind, but overall peaceful and loving, and I'm happy.
Clarity 8,0 was wonderful, but Warrior Princesse was truly perfect and extremely profound. I feel on top of the world!
Such a loving and deep meditation. I feel so blessed.
It was a calming meditation, but overall a little on the milder side. I guess I'm just so calm this morning anyway.
Such a calming and lovely meditation that's left me clear of mind and positive for my day and my week and year ahead.
Despite Warrior Princesse being loving and deep, overall a little mellow, and I had some mind-chatter.
This was a generally mellow meditation, but still peaceful.
It was a bit of a shallow meditation, but still relaxing.
Both rapés were on the milder side, even Warrior Princesse, but it was a lovely relaxing ceremony.
It took a little while for my mind to settle, but overall very peaceful and positive, and I feel absolutely amazing afterwards.
Warrior Princesse was a blessing - so loving and deep. It was just what I needed to clear my energies and mind.
This was a really peaceful meditation, and I'm so ready for my busy day ahead.
Very cold today, but this was a wonderful loving meditation to start my weekend and I feel so happy and blessed.
Such a wonderful and somewhat unique meditation with an interested new combination of Warrior Princesse and Peace, which brought great peace. Nu-nu Extra again had a lasting burn, but it was actually pleasant.
It was such a peaceful and positive meditation and I'm so ready for my Sunday.
Just such a lovely peaceful meditation,and very early morning!
Warrior Princesse brings such peace.
It was a nice peaceful meditation, and I'm ready for my busy day ahead.
A wonderful end to my day, with Warrior Princesse bringing such peace.
This was a lovely meditation to start my week and a true blessing - so deep.
Such a wonderful, peaceful and deep meditation to end my afternoon. Even Cacao was really profound and loving.
Isku Kua is such a deep and loving rapé, and this was backup up by Warrior Princesse, bringing peace. A nice end to my long weekend.
A really lovely and positive, mind-clearning meditation to start my blessed weekened. Warrior Princess worked really well with Mentolado.
A lovely quiet and profound meditation from two amazing rapés.
Both rapés were really deep and brought peace, but overall a little lacking. I feel very good afterwards though.
Just a really happy meditation to start my day. I'm so positive and blessed in my life.
Just a really deep and quiet meditation to end my long weekend. What a blessing these past few days have been - so positive and calming.
A lovely deep meditation to end my day. Some discomfort, but still relaxing.
A nice meditation to start my Saturday and a true blessing.
A calming meditation but a little on the mellow side. Still some kuripe blockage problems I'm yet to resolve too. Nevertheless, I feel calm of mind.
Such a deep meditation for early morning. Samauma immediately brought such love and calm. A lovely ceremony.
A very pleasant meditation with two warrrior rapés, but obviously Warrior Princesse stole the shop. Nice and deep.
A nice meditation to end my weekend. Not as deep as I'd hoped, but just pleasant. I'm just a little bit jittery today, with slightly strange energies, but still very positive.
This meditation was just what I needed to de-stress myself. Warrior Princesse was profound and calming and I feel blessed.
Gesileu (Golden Boa) was much milder than normal (but maybe because I need to clean out that kuripe), however Warrior Princesse was also a little on the mild side. A calm meditation, but not as deep as I wanted.
It was a calming but mellow meditation. Just generally peaceful.
Both rapés were deep and very loving. A peaceful ceremony, so blessed.
A really nice meditation. Some mild mind-chatter, but that's okay. I feel so positive and thankful today - really calm.
A really good meditation and just what I needed to completely clear my mind. A little interrupted by discomfort, but so peaceful nonetheless.
It was a beautifully positive meditation to end my day, and I feel great - so thankful.
Clarity was again a little mild (it's a very unpredictable rapé!), but Warrior Princesse was again extremely strong and brought such peace.
Yet another truly profound Warrior Princesse meditation. I'm so glad I've ordered two more packets of this from What a true blessing. This meditation was just as it's supposed to be - still and calm.
It was disturbed by noise outside, but I went deep nevertheless and it was so calming and mind-clearning. Such a blessed day.
Another really lovely meditation, and I feel totally relaxed.
Onca really is a charming rapé. Gentle but so loving. I had a wonderful meditation overall, but with mind-chatter from my busy day.
Peace really is a good rapé. It's gentle and mild going in, but really brings a lot of peace and a quiet mind. I felt so elated. Warrior Princesse is (as always) very profound. Despite some mind-chatter from my hectic day, a lovely mind-calming meditation.
A lovely calming meditation, but with mind-chatter from my busy day. Lovely and grounding though and I feel positive.
Warrior Princesse was truly profound, bringing a deep feeling and wellness. What a true blessing.
Some minor interruptions and my mind wanted to chatter (but I wouldn't let it). An excellent and peaceful, loving meditation, so connected and I feel so thankful and full of optimism.
A really good meditation. Love is a good rapé, if very slightly on the milder side. I'm so happy.
Nexus was mild (and too much like raw tobacco!) but Warrior Princesse was gentle and profound. I feel so much love and gratitude for how everything has turned out.
A truly beautiful meditation from Warrior Princesse. What a blessing.
What an absolutely wonderful day for doing rapé! Comfort was so, well, comforting - extremely deep. Warrior Princesse was also amazing. Comfort really should be a right-nostril rapé, but it's very potent.
Armour was mild, but Warrior Princesse gave a deep meditation - so calm.
A very calming meditation from two loving rapés. Warrior Princesse was potent as always. What a blessing and a good start to my day, albeit with a little hangover from yesterday.
I felt so much love and connectedness from Warrior Princesse. What a true blessing. Warrior Heart was mild, but also calming.
Another truly amazing meditation for today. Warrior Princesse brought on a profound sense of connectedness that was mystical and so loving and grounding. I sent such love to the world. What a fantastic day.
An almost sleepy and very calm mediation. I'm very tired today, but this filled me with love.
I tried a new rapé, Mapacho Tsunu. Two great ingredients, but it was a little bit on the milder side. A grey, somewhat earthy blend and quite grainy. I can't wait to work more with it though. A deep meditation from Warrior Princesse and just what I needed to fully clear my mind. A wonderful start to the weekend.
It was calming but quite subtle. A good start nevertheless to my day.
Jungle Magic was mild, but Warrior Princesse brought a profoundly connected and grounding meditation that mostly cleared my mind. What a wonderful day.
Just a truly wonderful and very loving meditation. Just what I needed after a Saturday full of bad energies and thoughts. Comfort is a truly amazing rapé!
A beautiful meditation to end my day. Ascend is still mild, but Warrior Princesse brought a very profound and connected meditation. Some mind-chatter and burping, but I feel very grounded and happy.
Surprisingly Warrior Princesse was a little on the milder side, but mainly because Comfort took the centre stage and was so profound and grounding. I feel really fantastic. And this was my 2000th recorded rapé ceremony!!
It was a generally calming and loving meditation, although a little bit subtle. I'm already so relaxed and so optimistic today!
It was a wonderful meditation for this time in the morning. Comfort is such a beautiful and deep rapé, and I had a calming meditation.
A busy day, but this was a lovely relaxing and somewhat connected meditation.
Pedro was surpringly burning and potent, bringing a really nice start to the ceremony. It tapered off and became a little mellow overall toward the end, but a really relaxing meditation.
Warrior Princesse was profound and brought a nice meditation, but there was some burping, and I had rapé stuck in my throat.
Oddly subdued again, and I'm not sure why, but it was nice and peaceful.
Such a lovely and quite deep meditation before my big day out today. I feel so hopeful and blessed.
Nexus was very mild, but Warrior Princesse was profound. Some strange energies today though.
This was just what I needed after a tricky few days. My soul is filling up with light, and I feel good. Healing is always the key.
Another wonderful early morning meditation. I just felt so calm and connected, with such optimism.
It was a very pleasant ceremony. Some mind-chatter from my busy day, but otherwise nice and peaceful.
This was a bit of a strange meditation, with fast-moving chi energy - a little too fast - but a relaxing ceremony overall and I feel really good.
Yet another amazing ceremony thanks to Warrior Princesse. Very deep and loving, and I'm so optimistic.
It was a really pleasant and deep meditation. Today is busy but a good day, and everything is so bright and hopeful.
What a profound meditation! An interesting left-nostril combination, but Warrior Princesse sent me into a deeply peaceful, in fact forceful meditation, where I was engulfed by love and light.
The first time for Cocoa in a while, and it's a very loving and quite potent rapé. The meditation was profound, albeit some mind-chatter from my busy day.
What a truly profound and loving ceremony. Guayasa really needs to be promoted to the right nostril, as it's so potent.
This was a very profound meditation, and Warrior Princesse was quite forceful, as it sometimes is. I just feel so relaxed after this very deep experience!
This was a lovely and calm meditation, where my mind was clear and I sent love to the world.
In spite of all the spitting and the soundtrack going off for a bit, it was a deep meditation and I just feel so positive and relaxed!
This was a good meditation, but my mind was somewhat busy for some reason - maybe because I've eaten some sweets and it's excited my brain - not a good thing. Ayoasca was eye-wateringly rought going in, but strangely a little on the milder side.
Warrior Princesse gave such a wonderful, loving and very profound meditation. Just amazing!
Gratitude is really good! I might even try it in the right nostril some time. I had a very peaceful meditation, albeit with some mind-chatter from the day. I'm so thankful for how the world is turning out. Good, light and love are winning!!
Just a very nice meditation, where I felt a loving calm throughout, with mostly a very still mind.
A really peaceful and loving meditation.
This really was a fantastic ceremony. Warrior Princesse made me deeply connected and numb, with a long-lasting meditation. I don't know about this Pau Pereira yet, and I need to try a larger amount of it, but it brought a lovely peace.
I tried another new rapé, a new Murici. It has an earthy aroma, but a delicious candy sensation going in. I just know this is going to be one of my favourite rapés, as it brought a deep peace. I had some headphone problems, which great disturbed the ceremony, but it was just so peaceful and one of the better early morning ceremonies of late.
Actually a good ceremony. My mind is for some reason busy this morning, but this calmed me down and I'm ready for my day, full of hope and optimism. Thank you!
This was a meditation that was more than the sum of its parts. The rapés were a little subdued, but it was a lovely peaceful ceremony and I feel good.
Three potent rapés, and I really felt it. It was a very nice meditation, although strangely energetic. I'm really quite happy this evening, and full of optimism.
Yes, a very nice ceremony. My mind was mostly cleared and it was lovely.
Truly an incredible ceremony. This combination of Warrior Princesse and Clarity 7,0 seems truly magical. My mind was cleared and I felt my body numb. I felt so much love and joy. Amazing!!
Lots of mind-chatter, but I fought through it, and Warrior Princesse is amazing. Force is very tobacco-like, but quite deep. A good ceremony!
Gesileu really is absolutely beautiful for clearing the mind. Warrior Princesse brought me very deep, and I felt so present and peaceful.
Ceremonies at this time are always tricky, and there was an awful lot of spitting, but I held the line and feel really good.
Warrior Princesse gave a profound and very loving meditation, in which I felt my chi palpably move through my body. How wonderful.
Nu-nu Extra really is a very rough rapé, and its burn lasted here throughout. Warrior Princesse was lovely and brought a nice calm.
Actually a really good morning ceremony. Some mucus and leg-shaking, but I actually felt and feel really good about everything!
Yes, a lovely meditation. What a wonderful blessing rapé is, and it's gotten me through all these stressful and heart-wrenching times. I'm so thankful.
These rapé ceremonies are helping me process the anguish of my mum's recent passing, and I went very deep in this meditation. I'm thankful for everything I have.
Apart from rapé getting stuck in my throat, it was a very deep and profoundly loving ceremony, and I feel a bit drowsy but on top of the world afterwards.
There was some mind-chatter, but Warrior Princesse was very profound, and I had a lovely deep and loving meditation. I feel fantastic afterwards.
I had a truly amazing meditation, where I went quite deep, and feel absolutely on top of the world afterwards. Lovely!
It was a pleasant meditation and calmed my mind somewhat, but again, what's with all this burping??
Another lovely mediation from Warrior Princesse. I felt a little too "conscious" of the experience, but it was so lovely and calming.
Purify brought a nice peace and Warrior Princesse sent me to some depth in this meditation. There was too much burping though!
Even in combination with another rapé, Nu-nu Extra still leaves that lasting sting in the nose and is very mild. Overall though, it was a very pleasant meditation and brought a loving peace.
One of the best meditations in a small while. As always, Warrior Princesse was amazing, sending me in a profound loving meditation. I feel really centered!
Actually a very nice and deep meditation. The right-nostril combination was profound and loving. Just some mind-chatter put me a off a little.
I had a decent experience and went quite deep. Some mind-chatter though. The light is returning, and I just need to be patient.
I'm still very off-balance today with worry about personal things, and other stuff. Warrior Princesse was however beautiful, at least at the start, filling my body and soul with light. It subsided though.
I've said it before, but Warrior Princesse is absolutely beautiful, and I'm so glad I've got plenty of it. I went very deep into meditation, just so full of hope, optimism and gratitude for being on a positive timeline. My head was tingling for a bit too.
This was the first time I've tried Divine Union in a combination. I had a wonderful, beautiful ceremony, where I went deep into a state of relaxation and pure optimism and gratitude. Absolutely lovely!
Just a really calming and lovely ceremony. I went quite deep and felt totally relaxed, ready for my day.
This new rapé, Menta, which was a free sample from, is very interesting. It's almost pure menthol! Very minty. It gave a very pleasant sensation, mainly around the pineal/head area. Overall a wonderfully present and calming ceremony!
A very pleasant and calming ceremony. Some mind-chatter, but I was mostly at peace and full of love and hope.
A wonderful and very peaceful ceremony. I feel like I've come out a mini-dip in my energies, and I love life!
I felt so at peace, with such a good grounding and sense of well-being. Lovely!
It was pleasant, althouh some strange energy and a little bit subdued. Xina has a lovely mintiness to it, but was also mild on this one.
Warrior Princesse never fails to deliver a very deep and loving meditation!
A really beautifully calm meditation. A little mind-chatter, but with so much love and hope. The love of the world cares for us so deeply and we're protected, always.
In spite of some mind-chatter, I had such a beautiful experience. My mind is clearing and I'm letting in the pure love again.
I actually felt really good after this ceremony. I went quite deep, and it was just what I needed.
A deep meditation from two power rapés. Mulata really was profound, and Warrior Princesse was so loving and deep.
It was a very pleasant meditation from two power rapés. A little bit of mind-chatter, but I feel so at peace.
Warrior Pincesse again brought a beautiful ceremony. Some mind-chatter, but not too much, and I had a very loving and hopeful meditation.
Warrior Princesse brought a very proufound meditation, where I felt absolute presence and love. Very deep indeed! This turned into a numbness, and it was a beautiful ceremony. I'm so grateful for everything on this magic summer solstice!
This was a truly beautiful ceremony, and I can barely describe how much happiness and gratitude I felt that everything has turned out okay and that the future is so very bright!
Another truly beautiful evening ceremony. I was filled with love and had a lovely presence.
A truly beautiful ceremony. I felt one with the universe and everyone in the world. I'm so grateful for everything in the world turning out good and for all the love and light!
A very pleasant afternoon ceremony, although a little mind-chatter. A mild hangover got in a way a little. I felt love though and it was nice.
What a lovely evening meditation. I tried something a little new for this one, and it really worked. I was filled with love and am so thankful for the end of the evil world situation and the bringing in of the light across the world!
A lovely ceremony, especially from the wonderful right-nostril combination. Some strange energies still, but not in a bad way - in a strangely loving way. I actually feel really happy!
What an amazing ceremony! Warrior Princessse brought a deep and very loving meditation and I feel absolutely fantastic!
Visionary brought a very pleasant peace and the power rapés in the right nostril combination brought a beautiful deep meditation. I was deeply grateful for everything that's happened recently, with the darkness in the world being mostly lifted and me having moving into such a positive timeline.
The ceremony was excellent, deeply peaceful and profound. Still a little warm in here though. And matters of the heart are an issue, that I feel I need to resolve.
A profound meditation. I went deep, and felt complete oneness with everyone in the world. It's a pity it was a bit rushed, but it was beautiful. (I actually had too much of Warrior Princesse, and it was a forceful meditation, but nice.)
An absolutely beautiful meditation. Warrior Princesse continues to be amazing. A little rushed, but I truly felt oneness and the love of God.
Xina was subdued, and so was the right nostril combination, but only a little bit. A lovely ceremony overall, with a pleasance calmness.
I got a wonderful meditation from the right-nostril combination - what a wonderful choice! I felt deep love and oneness. Beautiful!
I had a lovely sense of presence and peace almost throughout. A little bit off-balance at the end, but it might be this cold I'm dealing with. A very nice ceremony.
What an absolutely beautiful ceremony. I love Warrior Princesse, and I went very deep. Love and light to the world, and love to all the worldwide protestors today.
I got little from Flow, but the Warrior Princesse delivered as always. Some strange energies today, but I had a lovely presence and went quite deep.
A really good ceremony. Some mind-chatter, but that's okay. I felt the love of God and a beautiful sense of calm.
Whoa!! Warrior Princesse took me very deep! It was a very profound meditation that was to the extreme, and pretty much to the edge. I wish I could've activated my chakras more, but my body went completely numb and I was filled with total presence. Beautiful, but as I say, to the extreme!
I tried a new sound track - a little chaotic, but interesting and I'll try it again. The ceremony went deep. Warrior Princesse is a good left-nostril rapé at this time, and the small quantiy worked. The meditation had a long-lasting aftereffect and was beautiful.
Actually a good ceremony, if a little strange and forceful, allowing my mind to wander a little. Visionary was pleasant and Warrior Princesse brought a rather deep meditation. I feel really good afterwards.
What an incredible ceremony! I took a break from my normal evening right-nostril rapé to do a combination of two wonderful power blends, and it brought a profoundly deep experience, full of deep love and gratitude for the much welcomed Great Awakening that is now rampening up.
An incredibly beautiful ceremony, in which I went deep. Warrior Princesse is absolutely amazing, and I felt deep love.
A lovely afternoon meditation, full of love and light.
The left nostril combination was a little mild, but Warrior Princess brought a deep meditation. What a lovely day!
I got little from 7 Plantas, but the Warrior Princess brought a profound loving meditation, filling me with the love of God and all that is. It was a meditation I barely wanted to leave and I feel absolutely fantastic.
What a wonderful, loving meditation! Spring is in the air and it's quite a warm day. What a lovely experience this was!
Another strange ceremony, with some odd energies abounding today, maybe with the full moon. A little bit subtle, in spite of the quantities, but relaxing. I'm so happy to be a psychonaut!
An amazing ceremony thanks to Warrior Princesse, bringing a deeply connected and loving meditation.
This was an absolutely lovely early morning ceremony. Warrior Princess is truly the best rapé from, bringing a very deep and loving meditation, calming my busy mind and helping me to activate my chakras.
Warrior Princess is such a beautiful blend, and having opened my new sachet of it, I'm so happy to have it again after a while. It brought a deeply peaceful meditation, surrounding me with a wide orb of love and light, and it lasted a long time.
The left nostril combination filled me with a wonderful sense of calm, and the Canela do Velho brought a loving meditation.
For some reason, this was a much milder meditation than anticipated. Just a bit of a strange day.
I really can't stop single the praises of Connection as an early morning rapé. It brings a profound sense of calm and deep connection. I have tried Warrior Princesse for a while, and it's truly amazing also.
I felt a little unease during this meditation, but the Warrior was of course amazing and did its best to give me a deep sensation of quiet and love.
My third truly superb ceremony of the day. There's some very special energies in the world today. I truly sent love and light out and I know everything will turn out just fine.
I loved this meditation, and I had a deep feeling of hopefulness for the future. Fantastic.
A good ceremony in which I felt really peaceful.
I did Ambil before the Tigre, enhancing its effects, so very pleasant straight from the start. Warrior was a little milder than expected, but I entered a very peaceful meditation full of love and hope.
This was a deep meditation, and I sent love and light out the world, feeling deeply relaxed.
It was a ceremony full of peace and calm. That almost guaranteed profoundness from the Warrior came through. I loved it.
A truly amazing left-nostril effect - maybe the best ever! The Uricuri deepened the meditation. I feel a little anxious today, but this double ceremony really made a difference.
A pleasant and calming meditation straight from the get-go. I did a shorter than normal meditation, but it was better and more profound.
A mild ceremony. I rarely do Ascend in the right nostril, but it's worth experimenting more with, and I think more is needed. A nice relaxing meditation though and setting the stage for the second ceremony.
An intentionally mild ceremony. Very relaxing, and today is such a great day!
My estimation of 7 Plantas rapé has increased. It was very relaxing and does seem like quite a strong one, although a little bit mild. The Cumaru and Warrior combination though is truly magical!! My mind was cleared and the aftereffect is amazing.
Again I got little from the Awiry Purus - just a fleeting calmness, but the Warrior sent me into a fantastic meditation. I had the profound realisation that love always wins against hate the fear, which is why goodness will always win out in the end.
The Warrior Princess again didn't fail me, sending me into a meditation where I could absolutely feel all my chakras. A little mind chatter though.
A calming effect to begin with, followed by a satifying meditation. I probably should have done more of the Warrior, but it was very nice as it was.
A nice second ceremony in a sequence. It brought me further into a state of relaxation, although was mild.
Moy Cumaru and Warrior is truly an excellent mixture in the right nostril. It sent me into a deep meditation. I just feel so good right now!!
I think this is a good time to have Warrior+, but only in the left nostril. It was somewhat calming. But Warrior Princesse never fails to satisfy! A lovely meditation with a great aftereffect. Some mild leg-shaking, but not enough to distract too much.
The Moy Cumaru really delivered a deep feeling of grounding and relaxation. This Warrior was a little mild this time, but overall a very pleasant, if a little mild, experience. I had a deep feeling of peace at the end that lasted for many hours. I love these double ceremonies!!
This was a profoundly spiritual experience. I really can't give the Warrior Princesse rapé enough credit (and of course this meditation sound). I was deeply relaxed and grounded after the ceremony.
Just an overall lovely spiritual experience, albeit with some mind chatter. Always good to quiet that mind! Some interruption, but not too much and minaly toward the end. Left a calming feeling at the end.
I entered this with a little bit of trepidation (from my previous ceremony's "bad trip" with Warrior+ and Uricuri), which was why I took much less in each palm. However it was a pleasant spiritual experience. I got little from Anchor (due to the small amount), but as always, the Warrior delivered a magical experience. A little bit of mind-chatter, but it was a lovely grounding ceremony.
This was a lovely experience. Surprisingly, the Warrior Heart was calmingand grounding (if just a little mild). The right hand dosage was more profound, and it was overall a nice spiritual experience.
A subtle experience, which was surprising, given the varieties used. Connection is a little bit hit and miss (though normally good), but surprisingly the Warrior didn't give more. Some mind-chatter in the aftereffect.